BASE Fatality List - Liste des accidents mortels en BASE
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Auteur Fil de discussion: BASE Fatality List - Liste des accidents mortels en BASE  (Lu 58955 fois)
0 Membres et 4 Invités sur ce fil de discussion.
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Messages: 1 775

bons sautés !

« le: 28 Février 2011, 15:45:34 »

Pour ceux qui ne parlent pas couramment l'Anglais, la liste des accidents mortels en BASE a été traduite par Flo

La liste de tous les accidents de BASE recensés à travers le monde ainsi que les causes probables.
Un site que tout le monde devrait lire pour ne pas s'y retrouver ...

Version Française :
(mises à jours moins régulières)

Version d'origine (us) :

Faites nous vous plaisir, ne rajoutez pas votre nom à cette liste !
« Dernière édition: 05 Janvier 2012, 08:54:27 par Jean Michel » Journalisée

Fuck la FBA !
PIAF jumper
Glisseur haut
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Messages: 101

Importe depuis la FBA

« Répondre #1 le: 28 Février 2011, 16:56:48 »

si jamais "cordiste" peut être remplacé par "rigger" (c.f. Stefan Grossmann, BFL95)

Bientôt 5 ans...
« Répondre #2 le: 28 Février 2011, 17:12:45 »

tu veux dire plieur peut etre en français ?
PIAF jumper
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Messages: 101

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« Répondre #3 le: 28 Février 2011, 17:28:34 »

ou plieur de parachutes de secours pour tiers, ou emballeur en Suisse... Mais bon si "rigger" demande des explications, alors "cordiste..."  Roulement des yeux

Merci à Flo pour cette traduction
Glisseur haut
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Messages: 186

« Répondre #4 le: 01 Mars 2011, 15:29:50 »

Bien sûr, je corrige de suite.
Si vous voyez d'autres horreurs n'hésitez pas à me flageller Sourire

in pantz we trutz
PIAF jumper
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Messages: 127

Importe depuis la FBA

« Répondre #5 le: 18 Mars 2011, 08:13:37 »

@Flo Pays  :   bravo pour cet initiative ,qui mine de rien à du te prendre un temps certains... Tire la langue

Merci!   Clin d'oeil
Glisseur haut
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Messages: 186

« Répondre #6 le: 26 Août 2011, 12:50:00 »

La fatality list était gérée par Abbie Mashaal depuis quelques temps, mais il a passé le flambeau à Patto (Brad Patfield), le lead instructor de Kjerag (stavanger base klubb Norway).
Celui-ci a déjà fait, à partir de la BFL, un gros boulot sur les statistiques d'accidents. C'est dorénavant sur le site de Blincmagazine que l'on pourra trouver les infos qui nous intéressent, l'ancien site ne sera plus mis à jour.

Il faut s'inscrire pour accéder à tout le contenu, en anglais bien sûr mais il y a aussi une traduction automatique (aléatoire, au mieux...) pour les anaéliens qui nous lisent par dizaines.
Je continuerai donc la mise à jour de la traduction française.
Merci à ceux qui m'ont fait parvenir les derniers compte-rendus d'accident et les photos de nos copains disparus.
Continuez de venir parler ici (ou au bar!) de vos incidents et de partager vos expériences afin que tout le monde ne refasse pas la même bêtise que vous. On n'est pas très bon en ce moment question stats.
Bons sauts à toutes et tous  Clin d'oeil

in pantz we trutz
PIAF jumper
Glisseur bas
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Messages: 32

« Répondre #7 le: 10 Septembre 2011, 07:41:56 »

Hey guys,

I am asking Flo to gather any information for the base fatality list, any information she gathers will kindly be sent to me to update the list, i would be greatful if any of you jumpers can give her as much information on any fatalitys in france.As well as photos that will be placed to remember our friends and fellow jumpers..

If you also would like to send me any pictures or any updates on accidents that have taken place or in teh future,

You can send me a Pm here or email me at b_patfield AT

Thanks and be safe everyone..
PIAF jumper
Glisseur bas
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Messages: 32

« Répondre #8 le: 12 Octobre 2011, 13:22:53 »

Hello all,

Some i have met and others just talked on the net, It is hard to track down information on past jumpers as well as information when they are in foreign countries and the news dont travel out so much, 

If any one has any pictures or more information on these french jumpers can you please send me there pictures or information these are the jumpers i am looking for pictures and information

Michel Gaillardou
 BFL #165                                                need Picture
 Date: June, 3, 2011
 Nationality: French
 Object Type: Earth
 Location: Itw, Brento
 COD: impact wall
 Description: line twist and off heading talus-wall strike


Need Picture
Rene Duriaux

BFL #107
 Date: 2007 Jan 04
Nationality: French
 Object Type: Earth
 Location: FRANCE, , Benevise
 COD: Unknown
 Description: Details here are few, but it's being reported Renn was found in his car deceased at a remote cliff site by French Police. One of his legs were severely injured and his cause of death, it was determined, was heart failure. At the time he was found no gear was in evidence and it wasn't known if Renn was injured on his approach to the launch point or during a jump. Since the time of the discovery of his body his gear has been found at the bottom of the cliff. It appears now Renn was somehow injured during the jump but had managed to get back to his car where he died.

Need picture
Stephane LLonide
 BFL #96
 Date: 2006 Apr 16
Nationality: French
 Object Type: Earth
 Location: SWITZERLAND, , Lauterbrunnen
 COD: Wall Strike
 Description: This jumper had one previous BASE jump when he over rotated head down before pitching his pilot chute. He then experienced an off heading opening facing the cliff and is on his risers trying to turn, but he did not clear the wall in time. He continued to impact the wall until coming to rest in the talus.
If you have a picture of this jumper please contact us


'Bruno' Unknown
 BFL #79
 Date: 2003 Nov 23
Base Fataility
Nationality: French
 Object Type: Span
 Location: FRANCE, , Tulle
 COD: Impact
 Description: The only report I have here is the bridle may have become lodged under this jumper's arm preventing any further deployment.
*** UPDATE 12-JAN-2010 ***The jumper was a French ex special forces officer and experienced military jump including HALO. He and a friend went to jump a 150m bridge this night. The bridge does not have a pedestrian walkway and as such it is illegal to cross by foot. Highway patrol spotted the two and attempted to arrest them. The jumpers ran towards the exit point to jump as their getaway but while this jumper dropped the PC. It became entangled with him while picking it up and he jumped anyway. It is unknown if he knew or not about the entanglement prior to jumping but he was unable to clear it in freefall.
It may sound obvious but don't sacrifice safety over getting busted. Busted is always better than busted up (or dead).
If you have a picture/name of this jumper please contact us


Christophe Averty
 BFL #67
 Date: 2002 Aug 15
Base Fataility
Nationality: French
 Object Type: Earth
 Location: FRANCE, , Dévoluy Mountains - Falaise des Gillardes
 COD: Impact (Object)
 Description: Christophe is doing a two-way and filming at a launch point just recently opened. The wall is slightly under hung, but both jumpers successfully out track the wall/talus. After opening the second jumper said he heard a terrible sound and looked back to see Christophe with his canopy out but not pressurized. Christophe became stuck 80 meters up and isn't answering his friend calls. He is found dead when a helicopter reaches him. Jumpers who knew Christophe said his enthusiasm for the sport is infectious. He is always smiling, laughing, and offering help and advice.
If you have a picture of this jumper please contact us


Fred (unknown)
 BFL #54
 Date: 2000 Jan 01
Base Fataility
 Nationality: French Object Type: Earth
 Location: FRANCE, , Verdon
 COD: Impact (Object)
 Description: Reports describe Fred, from Nice, France, as having no previous BASE jumps, no training, no experienced jumper with him, etc. He purchased BASE gear, picked an under-hung location to launch from (not one of Verdon's regular launch points), pivoted off the launch, went on his back, and struck the cliff in freefall. This fatality caused BASE gear manufacturers to start better screening their customers prior to the sale of BASE equipment.
If you have a picture/last name of this jumper please contact us

Sebastian Dectot
BFL #35
 Date: 1996 Aug 16

Base Fataility
Nationality: French
 Object Type: Earth
 Location: NORWAY, , Lysbotn
 COD: Impact
 Description: Sebastian was on a 2-way where he was supposed to track on his back fro the first 10-12 seconds filming the second jumper who would be tracking right above him. The plan was for Sebastian to flip to his belly at that point and track to the left while the jumper above him would head to the right. After the exit, there was more gap between the jumpers than they would have liked for the video so they concentrated on closing it up instead of maxing their forward movement. When it was was time for Sebastian to flip over, and the 2 way to separate, it became apparent that they had not tracked far enough from the wall and were approaching the talus. Reportedly they were 2 seconds to impact. Sebastian immediately pitched and hit the wall during deployment. The second jumper tracked for his life and was able to out track the slope of the talus regaining some altitude and pitched. He opened off heading in line twists from the track and was able to clear them and avoid a wall strike. This jumper had been experimenting with early designs of track pants and wingsuits and before jumping decided to use a new set of pants that was given to him to try out. The use of these track pants most likely contributed to him being able to save his life.
If you have a picture of this jumper please contact us


If you have any pictures please get in contact with myself or flo... my email is in the above message .....

all pictures or information will be put up for people to remember the jumpers by...

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Messages: 1 775

bons sautés !

« Répondre #9 le: 12 Octobre 2011, 13:42:55 »

Christophe Averty
 BFL #67
 Date: 2002 Aug 15
Base Fataility
Nationality: French
 Object Type: Earth
 Location: FRANCE, , Dévoluy Mountains - Falaise des Gillardes
 COD: Impact (Object)
 Description: Christophe is doing a two-way and filming at a launch point just recently opened. The wall is slightly under hung, but both jumpers successfully out track the wall/talus. After opening the second jumper said he heard a terrible sound and looked back to see Christophe with his canopy out but not pressurized. Christophe became stuck 80 meters up and isn't answering his friend calls. He is found dead when a helicopter reaches him. Jumpers who knew Christophe said his enthusiasm for the sport is infectious. He is always smiling, laughing, and offering help and advice.
Christophe à ses débuts, Verdon ...,3407.0.html

Fuck la FBA !
PIAF jumper
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Messages: 32

« Répondre #10 le: 13 Octobre 2011, 00:04:27 »

Thank you i will put it straight up....

any information on the other french jumpers would be greatful..

Thank you
PIAF jumper
Glisseur bas
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Messages: 32

« Répondre #11 le: 05 Janvier 2012, 08:36:56 »

Hey fellow jumpers,

I am writing this thread to apoligize in advance,

I have been in base for 4 years jumping but have been around base jumping since 2000 ,

the last few years i have been writing the base fatality list,
This is an extremely hard job to do, because for

 1 the familys that read it , read the site out of context and dont understand why we do have the list,

2. some jumpers dont like having the list as they believe it is not good for the sport..

3..Its hard to have images and information regarding why loved ones and fellow jumpers have died..

The fatality list is looked after by 3 people ALL OF WHOM ARE ACTIVE BASEJUMPERS

The reason i am writing this is because we have recently had a family member of one of the french jumpers tell us to rewrite what happened on a fatality that is listed,

The writing of the fatality was written from the jumper that was on the jump... and this is helpful for the other jumpers because of the exact reference to the jump in question.

If you would like the incident re written , can you please tell us in your words what we would write in there!!! as i believe the writing in the fatality is accurate, Only the remaining jumper who was there can tell us the exact truth of what happened, And that is why we are strongly against changing the writing..

Please contact me if you would like to give accurate details on this jump in question..


Glisseur haut
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Messages: 125

« Répondre #12 le: 05 Janvier 2012, 10:58:58 »

I can't help you because I was not there at all.

Just a small word to tell you that I highly appreciate the work you're doing. Even if some people may not understand this list, I believe that it is very helpful, interresting, and it really helped me considering getting into it.

Anyway, if you need any translating help (to or from french), do not hesitate to post here, I/we can help you.

Good luck with that case, and thank you once again for the job done.
PIAF jumper
Glisseur bas
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Messages: 32

« Répondre #13 le: 05 Janvier 2012, 11:34:32 »

Thanks mate

really appreciate the words Sourire Sourire Sourire Sourire Sourire Sourire

If any of you can supply me with any photos of the french jumpers on the fatality list , that would make me smile..

i believe that all jumpers that have died pursuing the dream of human flight and i should have a picture for all to remember by...

when i see the face of 6 people i knew on the list i always smile and think of the times i had shared with each of them

« Dernière édition: 05 Janvier 2012, 11:36:31 par patto » Journalisée
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Messages: 61

« Répondre #14 le: 05 Janvier 2012, 12:44:58 »

you are right Patto.
this list is really good for the jumpers. to keep informations right, and give us the possibility to understand what happened and don't repeat some "mistakes"...

Thank you for your work !


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